In 1969, a man, a lamp to test, and a van formed the company
From there, the development process began and continues .....
MTH is driven forward by a team of 21 every day.
The MTH team ensures that nothing is ever the same. Auto electrics were the original focus of the company, but electronic development is now a major part of the business. These include road speed limiters and automatic oil lubrication systems to road vehicles, heavy plants or your favorite whisky plant. This is what we refer to as the “efficiency team” of tradesmen. The lubrication system for Bonavie Rail Swing Bridge at Fort William was designed by us.
About us
Repair or overhaul dynamos
With so much experience in unit repair, we are able to cater for any type of starter, alternator or wiper motor. We can also repair or overhaul dynamos. To ensure that your vehicle or machine is operational, this department is open to inspection by our customers.

Why Choose Us
MTH is active in private car diagnostics and have the technical support of being a member the national "Bosch Car Service Network" nationwide.
MTH offers the services of a MOT department that covers class 4, 5L, and 7. Our independent Tachograph Callibration Centre is also available to help you keep your vehicle on the road legally.